Thursday, October 14, 2010


I just wanted to do a post on the brand that is Illamasqua. 
It is a fairly new UK based makeup brand that is the epitome of wild and out-of-this world looks. "Its roots stem from the dark and illicit 1920s club scene and combines a rich heritage in the manufacture of makeup for film and theatre". The brand stands for self expression. Their phrase is "makeup for your alter ego". Illamasqua wants you to express your self and be who you are, meaning to create who you are on the inside with makeup. (your personality, not internal organs). Illamasqua has many fabulous collections, such as "Porcelain doll" , "Noir", "1920s Berlin", "Sirens", "Dystopia"and their new "Art of Darkness collection". 

The Illamasqua website:

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